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Okay, so I fell off the proverbial wagon. I didn't gain tons of weight, but I certainly didn't lose much in the last few months. I've been back on Weight Watchers for three days (and just got back to the gym today) and I have lost 3 lbs. Not too shabby. I am at 215, with an ultimate goal of 140 - 75 lbs to go. It seems pretty far off, but I have lot's of goals and feel like I can push past this setback and be successful.

Every day I am going to try to remember that this isn't just about me, it's about being alive to see my baby girl grow up and have her own babies. It's about growing old with my hubby. It's about feeling good in my own skin. I know that losing weight isn't the way to learn self-love (I'd need a whole new blog for that journey), but making healthy choices and taking control of my life will definitely be a self-esteem booster. Wish me luck...!

P.S. Here's a goofy pic of me preparing to kick it up a notch... =P


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